Poker With The Spinning Thing Casino Table

  1. Casino Poker Table For Sale
  2. Casino Poker Table
Robert Woolley

For this series of articles specifically aimed at players who have experience with poker in a home game or online, but are new to poker in brick-and-mortar casinos, I decided to ask a couple of my poker dealer friends to address this question: “What do you wish those new to poker in casinos knew that they usually don’t know?”

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Kristi Smith (@AlaskaGal1 on Twitter) is a dealer in Las Vegas. She submitted an excellent list of items in response to my question. I have followed some of her points with comments of my own.

1. Don’t worry too much about it being your first time. Everyone starts somewhere.

Absolutely. No matter how hard you try, you will not be able to disguise from experienced players the fact that you’re new, so don’t even try.

Casino Poker Table For Sale

When you’re not sure what to do, or even what your options are, it’s better and less stressful to say to the dealer, “This is my first time playing, and I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do here.” As long as that question is about rules and procedures, and not about a decision regarding how to play your hand, he or she will be happy to explain.

2. The cards shouldn’t be picked up off the table to look at them. The dealer needs to be able to see your cards at all times.

Only bad things happen when you lift cards off of the table. They get seen by other players. They get dropped on the floor. They get overlooked by the dealer and other players who are visually scanning the table for cards in order to know where the action is.

3. Cover your cards while you peek at them so you don’t accidentally show your neighbor.

4. Don’t comment on the current hand. Don’t say what you folded or comment that a flush or straight is possible.

Definitely. And you should keep following this rule even though you’ll frequently hear others violate it. It is, unfortunately, a very common transgression.

5. If you want to raise, say “raise” before you put an oversized chip in. Or if you’re using multiple chips, put them all out at once.

6. It is important to wait your turn. The dealer will look at you or signal you when it’s your turn.

If you’re ever unsure, it’s fine to ask the dealer, “Is it my turn?” Or, “Is it on me?” Or, “Where is the action?”

7. Your large denomination chips must be in the front of your stack.

This is so that other players, eyeing your stack, don’t make a big mistake about how many chips you have because some high-value chips are out of sight. Some shady players deliberately hide them specifically to induce such mistakes by others. It’s against the rules and highly unethical.

8. Most rooms will give you a quick free lesson to give you a rundown on the mechanics of the game. However, the best way to learn is to just sit down in a low-limit cash game or cheap tournament and play.

9. Dealers work for tips. If you’re playing cash it’s customary to tip the dealer $1 if you win a pot. In a tournament, the winners will often leave a small percentage of their winnings for all the dealers to share.

When your tournament payout comes in a bunch of small denomination chips, that’s the casino giving you subtle encouragement and help to leave something in the tip jar for the dealers.

10. If a dealer has to correct you for a rule violation, don’t take it personally. We want you to have fun. It’s just part of the dealer’s job to keep the game going and to make sure the players abide by the rules.

If you think it kills the fun of a game when a dealer enforces the rules, you should try playing when a dealer does NOT enforce them. It becomes chaotic, unfair, and no fun at all!

Dominick Muzio (@dmuzio on Twitter) is also a Vegas dealer. Unlike Kristi, he had just one thing on his mind when I emailed him with my question:

I wish more new players knew that there is no need for them to justify their actions or play. When they say things like “I had pot odds” (they usually don’t), or “I can’t call with this junk hand” (they probably should because of odds), they immediately alter how the game will be played. More savvy players will pick up on this weakness and exploit it. It’s just as dangerous in affecting play as talking about the hand in play.

I agree. People do this to save face. But poker is one social circumstance where saving face is counterproductive. To more experienced players, your comments reveal how little you know. To less experienced players, such talk causes them either to feel like they don’t know enough to be playing, and thus not come back, or to get better educated about the game. Neither outcome is good for your bankroll.

If another player thinks you did something stupid — whether you actually did or not — let him! Then find a way to use that false image in your favor, rather than try to correct the false impression. Making money matters more than impressing people with your skill. So never complain, and never explain!

Much thanks to Kristi and Dominick for contributing their hard-won observations.

Robert Woolley lives in Asheville, NC. He spent several years in Las Vegas and chronicled his life in poker on the “Poker Grump” blog.

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Casino Poker Table

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Robert Woolley

At the end of last week, word came that MGM Resorts, one of the largest casino companies in the world, will be banning cash from playing at the tables in its poker rooms effective April 1, 2015. The change will happen at many properties, including in Las Vegas at the MGM Grand, the Aria, the Bellagio, the Luxor, Mandalay Bay, and others.

The news prompted me to reflect on how cash differs from chips in what we somewhat imprecisely refer to as “cash games” in poker. I came up with a list of seven things you should keep in mind when in comes to casino poker games with actual cash in play.

1. Rules vary, so be sure you know what’s allowed

I have played in some casinos where no cash was allowed in play, some where any cash — including down to $1 bills — was allowed, and some with an in-between rule. Perhaps the most common example of the latter is that $100 bills are the only currency permitted. The only way to know is to ask the dealer before you try to add cash to your chips.

2. Dealers may not notice cash

I remember an incident from the Imperial Palace poker room in Vegas. At the time, no cash was allowed in play there, though I didn’t know that rule when this happened.

In one hand, I missed a flush draw but rivered a small pair. I checked. My opponent moved all in — he had a single $1 chip and a single $100 bill, both of which he pushed forward. The bill had been sitting in front of him for several hands at least, but the dealer had failed to notice it until this moment. He informed the player that the bill was not in play, so the all-in bet was only $1.

The floor was called and made the same ruling. The player was livid. I called his $1, though I was about 99% sure I was losing. He had the nuts — a straight. He was ranting about how he was being cheated out of $100. I reassured him that $1 was just about the most I would have called, so the error actually made him an extra dollar that he otherwise would not have gotten, because if his bet had been $101, I would have folded. That calmed him down.

Another time at the Venetian, I noticed that a player had a stack of $20 bills sitting behind his chips. I don't know how long they had been there before I spotted them. I waited until the hand was over, then told the dealer, “We should probably get clarified whether that cash is in play.” The dealer, too, had failed to notice whenever it was that the player had added the money to his stack. He got it changed for chips, and all was well.

Casino poker table for sale

If you see another player with cash that you think might not be allowed by the house rules, always ask the dealer to clarify the situation.

3. Beware of bills folded up

Many players fold up their paper money and tuck it under their chips, or keep the bills vertical, hidden behind their chip stacks.

Some are doing this innocently, just to get the money out of the way, not realizing that this can make it hard for others to judge visually how much they have in play. But some do it deliberately, exactly for this reason. They are angle shooters. They hope to get you to underestimate how much they have in play, so that if you call their all-in bet, you’re committed for a lot more money than you thought.

If you notice that another player has bills behind or under his or her chips — in such a way that they are not easily visible — you can and should politely ask the dealer to help the player arrange the cash so that it is readily apparent to all.

4. Players “rathole” cash more than chips

Once in a while you’ll see a player take bills off of the table, otherwise known as “ratholing.” Most often, this is an innocent mistake made by somebody who doesn’t understand casino rules. It is most likely to happen immediately after such a player wins a big pot that contains both chips and cash. Keep an eye on the bills, and if you see them being taken off the table, be sure to point it out to the dealer so that he or she can explain to the player how table stakes work.

Other players, however, do this with full knowledge that it’s against the rules. They want to lock up a profit rather than keep all of their winnings in play, and it seems easier to slip a few bills off of the table than chips. If you notice that a player who once had several bills in play suddenly doesn’t, again, let the dealer know so the situation can be investigated.

5. It’s easy to misjudge the size of your own stack

I have made this mistake more often that I’d like to admit. I’m so used to counting chip stacks, that my brain somehow completely ignores the $100 bills sitting right next to the chips.

Because I know that I’m prone to this visual error, I try whenever possible to trade in cash for chips. You might consider doing the same.

6. People react differently to bets made with cash than with chips

One of the most famous hands from the old High Stakes Poker TV show was when Brad Booth bluffed Phil Ivey off of pocket kings with . Memorably, he did it by placing into the pot three bricks, each consisting of one thousand $100 bills, while Ivey had roughly $250,000 in chips in his stack. Take a look:

Notice at about the 2:35 mark of that video clip, Ivey, pondering whether to call, says, “I wish you’d put the chips in. The cash just looks so sweet.”

The implication is that he is more tempted to call by the cash than he would be by the chips. It’s possible that Booth miscalculated on this point, thinking that the cash was more “intimidating” (as the commentators point out), and should have used chips instead of cash if he wanted to be more likely to induce a fold. But it’s also possible that he knew exactly the effect it would have and used it to his advantage to make it look like he wanted a call, when he clearly didn’t.

Either way, the point is that even a player as experienced as Ivey has a different emotional reaction to cash than to chips. Cash is real, spendable money. Chips are an abstraction. You should keep that in mind as you decide what effect you want to create with your bets.

At the same time, you should not allow yourself to be swayed in your reaction to an opponent’s bet by whether it was made with cash or chips. They are interchangeable, and you should treat them as such.

7. Players protect their cash differently

For the same psychological reason, you’ll often find that players protect the cash portion of their stacks differently than the portion that is in chips. Because of the abstraction element, they find chips easier to bet than cash. Somehow it hurts less to lose chips than to lose the same amount in cash. This is irrational, but common.

You need to watch how opponents bet, because if you’re up against a player who makes this kind of distinction, a bet with cash is much less likely to be a bluff than a bet with chips.

Maybe MGM’s move is a harbinger of things to come, and soon all casinos will adopt a no-cash policy. But until that day arrives, give yourself a strategic advantage by remembering these tips about the ways in which cash differs from poker chips.

Robert Woolley lives in Asheville, NC. He spent several years in Las Vegas and chronicled his life in poker on the “Poker Grump” blog.

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