Lady Gaga Poker Face 4sha

General Commentwell I was watching an interview with lady gaga and she explained that poker face was about 'poker facing' your sexuality. She talked about how she made love with her old boyfriend and she would put on a poker face during the sex. She said she pictured another female to make the sex better for her.

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I wanna hold 'em like they do in Texas, please
Fold 'em, let 'em hit me, raise it, baby, stay with me (I love it)
Love game intuition, play the cards with spades to start
And after he's been hooked, I'll play the one that's on his heart


Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
I'll get him hot
Show him what I've got

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
I'll get him hot
Show him what I've got

Can't read my, can't read my
No, he can't read my poker face
(She’s got me like nobody)

Can't read my, can't read my
No, he can't read my poker face
(She’s got me like nobody)

Poker face, poker face
Poker face, poker face

I wanna roll with him, a hard pair we will be
A little gambling is fun when you're with me (I love it)
Russian roulette is not the same without a gun
And baby, when it's love, if it's not rough, it isn't fun, fun

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
I'll get him hot
Show him what I've got

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
I'll get him hot
Show him what I've got

Can't read my, can't read my
No, he can't read my poker face
(She’s got me like nobody)

Can't read my, can't read my
No, he can't read my poker face
(She’s got me like nobody)

Poker Face Lady Gaga Lyrics

Poker face, poker face
Poker face, poker face

I won't tell you that I love you
Kiss or hug you
'Cause I'm bluffin' with my muffin
I'm not lying, I'm just stunnin'
With my love-glue-gunnin'
Just like a chick in the casino
Take your bank before I pay you out
I promise this, promise this
Check this hand 'cause I'm marvelous

Can't read my, can't read my
No, he can't read my poker face
(She’s got me like nobody)

Can't read my, can't read my
No, he can't read my poker face
(She’s got me like nobody)

Can't read my, can't read my
No, he can't read my poker face
(She’s got me like nobody)

Can't read my, can't read my
No, he can't read my poker face
(She’s got me like nobody)

Poker face, poker face
Poker face, poker face
Poker face, poker face
Poker face, poker face

Written by: Lady Gaga / Charlotte Thersen / RedOne · This isn't the songwriter? Let us know.
Did you see an error in the lyrics? Send us your correction.

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Lady Gaga Poker Face Meaning

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